I'm designing a PCB to drive all 8 of the solenoids in sequence. I've chosen to use the higher (22 uF) value capacitor to make it handle up to 3A if necessary. In the above circuit VS=13.8V, Intake2_In=13.8V (I've included a divider to lower it to 5V at pin 8), and C4 is a tantalum bypass capacitor, which they recommend using. An image of the circuit for each solenoid is shown below: Using their 'basic connections' circuit works fine on the bench for driving one of the solenoids. I've selected a TI DRV103H to drive each of the solenoids (they draw about 1.5 A each). There are 4 solenoids on the intake side and 4 on the exhaust side.

These solenoids cause the camshafts to switch between high and low lift profiles.

I've been designing a circuit to drive 8 solenoids on a 4-cylinder automotive engine. As such, I'm a relative noob but hopefully not totally clueless. My background is in ME but in my job as a test engineer has increasingly required me to develop some EE skills as well (which I'm actually pretty happy about).