June sneaks away to investigate the crash as her bracelet warns her that the being is a magical one, but before June can deal with it, her friends Ophelia and Jody catch up to June and want to know why she ran off, as June tries to come up with an excuse the object-like being begins to leak a goo-like fluid and trail its way tword them with Junipers back turned and her friends unable to see magical beings shielded by the veil, the goo trails make contact with all three of them as the transformation begins. Juniper lee's role as the Te Xuan Ze is to maintain the balance of the veil, the magical barrier between magical creatures and the rest of the world.but little does she realize that the veil stretches the entire universe and magic exists on all worlds, and one bit of that magic finds its way crashing into Orchid Bay Park from many galaxies away while Juniper Lee is picnicking with friends. Id like to give a shout out thanks to artofC91 the leg portion of these characters is directly inspired by one of their works My buddy Sooperstuff made this pic and it came out magnificently great :D